Cades Cove

Cades Cove

Friday, October 4, 2013

       I started a blog in April-ish of 2012 because I was attempting the couch to 5k and it just seemed logical to share my misery of doing such with my people. I've never been one of these runners who loves running. I started because I needed to, I wanted to do a 5k and it was/is healthy. When I see these poor winded people running down the road or at the park..I'm not envious. Not even remotely..most of my thoughts are...I really don't like running AND I'm glad that's not me. Maybe I am the only one who feels this way or the only person who has openly expressed this opinion. If there are others out there like me, I allow you to use this as a vehicle to express your dislike to running as well. I fought the feeling for a while. My mindset was, everyone starting out doesn't like it..and then after months of this..I realized that my mind had not changed and probably never would. With that being said I'll have a lot of complaining about running and or exercising but also other how hilarious my cat is or how my child is almost 12 and is knocking on the moody hormonal door. Now, some people could care less but for those of you who are nosy like I am I'd probably read my blog as well. It's an outlet I enjoyed and needed to get back to it. 
    Ramone, as most of you know is my cat who was graciously given to me about two years ago. You will hear a lot about him...mostly because as I've said in previous posts he is the poster child for Valium and or anti social behavior  Prime example. Last weekend we had a visitor. Ramone was perched in front of the window on top of the couch. I noticed he had popped up then crouched down and then started swaying back and forth...weird was my first thought then he begins to bob his head up and down while swaying. Humorous at that point I thought what on earth has he seen..then I hear a knock at the door and at that point he bolts off the couch and sprints down the hallway and hides under the bed. My first thought was...omg this cat is exactly like me when a stranger comes to the door. Once again maybe I am the only person that tries to ignore the dreaded unexpected knock on the door. I'm the type that sinks into the couch hoping no one saw my head through the window..melts into the floor like a ninja and finds the safest window to slowly peak out of to see the dreaded. Normally company comes when no shower has been taken and i'm still in lounge clothes...probably bra-less...tmi...but the truth. 
    So, this was "get my feet wet" blog. Follow me, join with google friend and comment. We can vent together about kids and exercise and whatever else I happen to write about. It keeps me encouraged to continue writing. One thing I ask. Don't grammar Nazi me.  About the only thing that may be correct is spelling and that is only because I have spell check. Love me for who I am....  :-)

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