So........thankfully this was not my entire day. Just the part where I attempt to use the internet. Google Chrome you make me VERY sad...or mad if you reference the above. I probably looked close to the first picture and wanted to do the second photo, but do have a stitch of self control. Speaking of sad/mad. Pandora is dead to me. I am sick of commercials and freezing up. Bye. I switch to I heart radio. No commercials, no silence. Thanks Jon White. Two thumbs down Pandora. SHESH! All that that to say, I went to the gym today to run. Umm, Oh my, so much better than dying out in the wilderness or being dragged off a trail by a nut. would be proud, I kept my mouth closed while running the whole time. :) I felt I could run longer with the climate controlled Big *** fans they have. I don't promote cursing but that is actually what they are called. No nausea, no bugs no heat stroke. This couch 25k is so awesome and slow. I don't stick with things. This I have stuck with. This blog keeps me motivated. Join this site, follow me, leave me messages. You just don't understand how much it helps. Who doesn't love motivation? Anywho, treadmill don't get that awesome nature/flower/tree/fresh/sky/bee sting/ feeling. Companies would be wise to along with the fan option on the treadmill to add the nature flower smell within the fan. Makes sense to me! When I got bored I had a plethora of TV's ranging from the food network(REALLY???!...insert i die for pasta don't show me pasta at the gym) to Fox news to a voluptuous women/man discussing celebrity topics. I think I am spoiled. Climate controlled running. WIN! All I know is Week 2, Day 1 yes!!