Today was national pull out in front of someone day on 280. My car was the target. It was amazing. I wish it would happen every day. O_o
I get to the park and it is BLAZING hot. I kick myself (again) for going to the park to run instead of the gym. The entire thing was pretty much unbearable start to finish. I've got to run early in the morning or at the gym. I am too old to torture myself this way. I think if I had any amount of shade It would have been a bit better.
I made it through day 2 of the second week. That is all I can say today. My hip pain is there, but it's controllable. I can run and walk and the pain is not unbearable. When I lay on that side it aches, stairs, sitting for a period of time, you know just the normal actions of living. No big deal. Jon brought me home a cobb salad from his work and lava cake that was the highlight of my day! WIN