Cades Cove

Cades Cove

Friday, August 24, 2012

Hay Y'all

Hay Y'all I'm bringing sexy back by way of head lamps. Not really, but at 4:50 am you need some light. This particular "light" gave off about as much light as my phone. Not conducive to seeing mass murders, killer rabbits, holes and such. Met two super ladies today. I was the lagger of the three. I am not sure if lagger is a word. Which reminds me...that moment meet someone and they say "I'm an English major". Automatically, I go into panic mode and feel I need a refresher course. "Did I use, your, your're, there, their etc. the correct way!? There was a reason I was not an English major. I can barely spell much less use the correct word in a sentence. Forgive me and don't judge me, I'm a good person! As the "lagger" I felt like I was watching those horror B movies. The ones where you yell out loud "don't be the lagger!, he's right behind you!!". "That's what you get LAGGER"! Everyone knows the murder waits in the shadows (my computer tried to spell showers, that's a different movie) for the injured, slow person. Lucky for me I made it out of the woods unscathed. I was wishing I had some sort of defensive skills just in case. You never know when a wackadoo is behind you. Most days it's just my boys poking me in my side. They know it's the mom weakness and I literally drop everything and jump around like ants are in my pants. They think it's the funniest thing ever. As harsh as I try to look at them to stop, the laughing confuses them and they continue. Life with boys, you hear, see and endure some mildly rude behavior that most of society would frown upon. I guess that makes me mildly rude as well just by guilt of association.
    Four miles I logged today. I didn't run the entire thing, but as far as I know most people don't rock out four miles on their first try. If they do, awesome, but I can't compare myself to "those" kind. I have plans for tomorrow and I am not sure if my legs will cooperate with the things I need them to do. Am I already making excuses for tomorrow....nah. 
   Speaking of mildly rude. I found the funniest website today. I once thought the dang you auto correct website was hilarious but this is a new funny. Dog shaming. Just google it. My side hurt from laughing so hard.


  1. Wow, where'd you get those peepers? Cute blog, too. Keep going.

  2. Nice headlights. :)

  3. You should be a headlamp model! I know exactly that feeling of "oh crap, I better keep up with these people or I'm gonna be by myself in the dark with the murderers." Gets me moving faster every time.
