My first blog....I meet an engaging mom at my sons soccer game. She inspired me to step out and do some things I have not done before. 1.Blog 2.Run. Not to give her complete credit, I had been thinking about the running thing for a few days. I see random people on FB delight in this torture (my opinion not theirs). I weigh the benefits in my head. Fix that jiggle,yes! Lower cholesterol,sure! Relieve stress, I'm in! Then my cynical side kicks into gear. I have an immediate flashback to High school track. I won't say I was the least talented but I will say I was not determined. I have zip, zilch, zero will power.I usually give up mainly because it is easier to do (duh). We all have our faults. That's mine. So, don't hold it against me. Anyway, I hear of these superhuman people running miles and miles and well you see the pattern. In the heat at that! Another flashback to band camps in the dead of summer. I thought I was dying then and I was just standing there in the heat..dying. Running in the heat sounds like a sure fire recipe for unseemly bodily convulsions. Not only unattractive but demoralizing. Not to mention having moves things around inside. I'm not a DR. but I know there is a difference. I will leave it at that. I researched running(what any good procrastinator does), what to eat before running, what to wear and even a system to go from couch to 5k. It sounds awesome. I can totally run 60 seconds and then walk 90 seconds and so on. Tomorrow is the day. I've checked the weather, muggy and 80ish. Perfect weather for puking I mean training..whatever. I don't look forward to it but I know it is something with many benefits. My husband runs so he is stoked about the possible running buddy. I should have more positive thoughts but I think I can feel my lungs aching already. Stay tuned!